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R. L Tawde Foundation's

Sarojini College of Pharmacy, Kolhapur

Chairman's Desk

Shri. Kishore R. Tawde
Hon. Chairman

Our aim is not to just provide just higher education, but one that is value based. The world has become a very competitive place but our aim is not to prepare students to merely compete with others but to discover themselves first. True to the Indian philosophy the more one knows about oneself the better one can compete with others. We lay a substantial stress on the development of physical and mental skills and the enhancement of the power of concentration. Emphasis is laid on the building of strong characters to withstand the inevitable pressures of tomorrow’s world. We have always aimed high and have achieved our goals without sparing any efforts. Our highly reputed institution has already instilled confidence in the parents community.

Moreover we are open to take suggestions from parents and experts through regular interaction with the faculty members, and strive to improve with an effective system of self assessment. Our record spells out that for our mission the sky is the limit.